Frequently Asked Questions
What time is Worship?
We meet for Sunday Worship at 10am. Worship uses usually concludes no later than 11:30pm. Through our website, emails, our Facebook page, Twitter account, and the Sunday bulletin, you can stay up-to-date with the activities of our Church family.
What do I do if my address changes?
If your address changes, you can have it updated by one of the following methods:
You may call Greater New Bethel Administrative Office at 305-624-4928 and the Clerical Support Clerk will take the update over the phone or you may leave a message You may also email and include the updated information to gnbbc@bellsouth.net (Please include your name and membership number).
If I am in need of a financial giving statement, who should I contact?
You can get the information by one of the following methods: Call Greater New Bethel Financial Office at 305-624-4928 and ask for a financial assistant.
How do I become a member of Greater New Bethel Baptist Church?
In a church service or Bible study, you will be asked to walk to the front and someone will meet you and walk with you. To join online complete the membership form. You will receive a call or email with additional information.
If I was baptized as a child, do I have to be baptized again if I choose to join Greater New Bethel?
If you were baptized as a child and understood the significance and meaning of being baptized, you do not have to be baptized again to join GNB. If you did not understand the meaning of baptism, then you can be baptized again.
What activities does Greater New Bethel have for children, youth & young adults?
Our Church has an array of activities for children, youth and youg adults of all ages. We make it a point to teach the word of God to our children while empowering them to learn, lead and live as heirs to “The Kingdom.”
If there is a death in my family, what should I do?
Please call the Administrative Office at 305-624-4928 and let the church know. Please include information about the deceased like member or relative of a member, suggested date of funeral, funeral home, time, and other pertinent information or fill out form on the website. The church will communicate to the Pastor and the Deacon in charge of deceased, plus any ministry that the member participates.
My ministry wanted to have a meeting and saw an empty room so we used it. We were scheduled to use a specific room but decided to move to a different room. Is that ok?
No, that room may be reserved for another group. All ministries are asked to use the room that is assigned to them via Power Church system. Using the assigned room assists the maintenance staff with their schedules for cleaning rooms as well as preparing the rooms with the right equipment for requested meetings.
What kind of church is Greater New Bethel?
Our Church is a spiritual home that nurtures social and spiritual growth and the identification of one’s spiritual gifts. We encourage and support our members in their life endeavors, dreams and goals. We look to each other for Christian fellowship and friendship and ways to help one another to edify GOD each and every day of our lives. Our church was founded out of the Baptist tradition. We believe in the public acceptance of Jesus Christ as one’s personal Savior.