Our MIssion

The Adult Ministries are involved in all the ministries of Greater New Bethel Baptist Church. They encourage each other on in small groups, and strengthen the church by serving in a variety of different ways, through fellowship and opportunities to nurture and support one another and reach out to others.

  • Magnifying and glorifying God fulfills our mission to love God with all our hearts, minds, and souls. We express that love through our Worship Ministry.
  • Our mission is to love our neighbors as ourselves and is fulfilled through our Outreach Ministry. Through our outreach, we express to the world that we are vitally concerned and connected with all of God’s creation.
  • Our mission is to baptize believers in the name of Jesus Christ and introduce them to a new value system. We do this by giving of our time, talents, and resources.
  • Our mission is to care for our members’ spiritual and emotional well-being. We want to enhance the mental, social, physical, and spiritual well-being of individuals of all ages within Greater New Bethel Baptist Church.
  • Our mission is taken from the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19-20, which tells us to Go and make disciples and spread the Good News about a loving God to every corner of the world. Our Communication Ministry is responsible for disseminating information about Shiloh programs to internal and external audiences.
  • The Great Commission tells us to teach all nations, which we accomplish through our Christian Education Ministry, providing training and instruction in the ways God commands.

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